I started out by getting four machines on Amazon EC2, all of them running Ubuntu 14.04.
I planned to have one main server running all the GRR processes:
And the rest are data store servers: <-- the first one is the master server.
First, I installed GRR on all those machines using the install script provided ( install_script_ubuntu.sh ). This is just a little easier because it installs all the dependencies we need automatically but in the end I was going to use the latest code from the repository (highly recommended if you try the latest features!) so I did a:
> git clone https://github.com/google/grr.git
> python setup.py build
> sudo python setup.py install
GRR usually uses two config files:
- /etc/grr/grr-server.yaml : This one comes with every server release and should not be touched.
- /etc/grr/server.local.yaml : This is the one where all the local modifications go. On the main server where I installed the whole GRR package, this already contains my customized settings, like the keys I generated. This is where I'm going to put all my modifications.
The first thing I did was switching away from the MongoDB backend. I tried to use the SqliteDataStore so I appended to the config file:
Datastore.implementation: SqliteDataStore
I did a quick restart using the initctl_switch script and, while I was there, also switched to multiprocessing:
sudo /usr/share/grr/scripts/initctl_switch.sh multi
(If you already have grr running in multiprocess mode, use
sudo /usr/share/grr/scripts/initctl_switch.sh restart
I confirmed that all processes are there:
> ps -ef | grep grr
root 13297 1 35 13:34 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/grr_server --start_http_server --config=/etc/grr/grr-server.yaml
root 13310 1 34 13:34 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/grr_server --start_ui --config=/etc/grr/grr-server.yaml
root 13323 1 33 13:34 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/grr_server --start_enroller --config=/etc/grr/grr-server.yaml
root 13336 1 33 13:34 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/grr_server --start_worker --config=/etc/grr/grr-server.yaml
and that I can reach the gui @ It also seemed like it was using the SQLite data store (using the default path in /tmp):
> ls /tmp/grr-datastore/
aff4.sqlite config.sqlite files.sqlite foreman.sqlite pmem%2Dsigned.sqlite pmem.sqlite stats_store.sqlite winpmem%2Eamd64%2Esys.sqlite winpmem%2Ex86%2Esys.sqlite
After the basic setup worked, I started setting up the remote data store. For this to work I had to set up
- client credentials so the GRR server can talk to the data store servers (need to be set on the GRR server and the master server)
- server credentials so the slaves can talk to the master (need to be set on all data store servers)
- the data store master server - has to know about all the slave servers.
- the slave server(s).
I decided to go with two data store servers at first - one master, one slave. First I set up the data master by putting in both servers (the master has to be the first entry!), client credentials, and server username + password:
> sudo cat /etc/grr/server.local.yaml
- myawesomeuser:thepassword:rw
Dataserver.server_username: servergroup
Dataserver.server_password: 65f2271f7
Starting it up:
> sudo python grr/server/data_server/data_server.py --config=/etc/grr/grr-server.yaml --master
Starting Data Master/Server on port 7000 ...
Yay, it works! Now I set up the slave server. This one only needs to know the master and the server credentials, client credentials will be automatically distributed:
> sudo cat /etc/grr/server.local.yaml
Dataserver.server_username: servergroup
Dataserver.server_password: 65f2271f7
Starting the slave (I added verbose so there is some more info):
> PYTHONPATH=. python grr/server/data_server/data_server.py --config=grr/config/grr-server.yaml --verbose
Registering with data master at
DataServer fully registered.
Starting Data Server on port 7000 ...
At the same time, since our group only consisted of two servers, the master also displayed:
Registered server
All data servers have registered!
which indicates that our data store is now good to go. Thus, I could then set up the main server to actually use the data store server group:
> sudo cat /etc/grr/server.local.yaml
Datastore.implementation: HTTPDataStore
HTTPDataStore.username: myawesomeuser
HTTPDataStore.password: thepassword
Running a quick test with the console confirms, it's working:
> sudo PYTHONPATH=. python grr/tools/console.py --config=/etc/grr/grr-server.yaml
In [1]:
Now I still had one more server that I wanted to include in my group so I fired up the data store manager (after making sure that noone is using the data server group):
> sudo PYTHONPATH=. python grr/server/data_server/manager.py --config=grr/config/grr-server.yaml
Manager(2 servers)>servers
Last refresh: Thu Oct 23 12:53:12 2014
Server 0 (Size: 100KB, Load: 0)
14 components 7KB average size
Server 1 (Size: 111KB, Load: 0)
13 components 8KB average size
Manager(2 servers)> ranges
Server 0 50% [00000000000000000000, 09223372036854775808[
Server 1 50% [09223372036854775808, 18446744073709551616[
Manager(2 servers)>
So all my servers were registered, they used 7 and 8 kb of storage and the hash space was distributed evenly:
hex(9223372036854775808) == '0x8000000000000000L'
hex(18446744073709551616) == '0x10000000000000000L'
To add a third server, we need to first add it to the data store server master:
Manager(2 servers)> addserver 7000
Master server allows us to add server
Do you really want to add server // (y/n) y
Operation completed.
To rebalance server data you have to do the following:
1. Add '//' to Dataserver.server_list in your configuration file.
2. Start the new server at
3. Run 'rebalance'
The server was added, but it has an empty hash range so far:
Manager(3 servers)> ranges
Server 0 50% [00000000000000000000, 09223372036854775808[
Server 1 50% [09223372036854775808, 18446744073709551616[
Server 2 0% [18446744073709551616, 18446744073709551616[
So I took down all servers, added the third server to the config on the master and the GRR server, and brought everything back up (including the new data store server). Afterwards, I just used the data store manager to do a rebalance operation to actually fill the new server with data:
> sudo PYTHONPATH=. python grr/server/data_server/manager.py --config=grr/config/grr-server.yaml
Manager(3 servers)> ranges
Server 0 50% [00000000000000000000, 09223372036854775808[
Server 1 50% [09223372036854775808, 18446744073709551616[
Server 2 0% [18446744073709551616, 18446744073709551616[
Manager(3 servers)> rebalance
The new ranges will be:
Server 0 33% [00000000000000000000, 06148914691236516864[
Server 1 33% [06148914691236516864, 12297829382473033728[
Server 2 33% [12297829382473033728, 18446744073709551616[
Contacting master server to start re-sharding... OK
The following servers will need to move data:
Server 0 moves 30KB
Server 1 moves 69KB
Server 2 moves 14KB
Proceed with re-sharding? (y/n) y
Rebalance with id e03c2a40-06cf-46f1-ab27-dcc30aa55ce6 fully performed.
Manager(3 servers)> sync
Sync done.
Manager(3 servers)> ranges
Server 0 33% [00000000000000000000, 06148914691236516864[
Server 1 33% [06148914691236516864, 12297829382473033728[
Server 2 33% [12297829382473033728, 18446744073709551616[
Manager(3 servers)> servers
Last refresh: Thu Oct 23 13:09:51 2014
Server 0 (Size: 70KB, Load: 0)
10 components 7KB average size
Server 1 (Size: 72KB, Load: 0)
9 components 8KB average size
Server 2 (Size: 83KB, Load: 0)
10 components 8KB average size
Manager(3 servers)>
And it worked, all servers were equally loaded.